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Quick Photo Tip: Matthew 7:7

Knowledge is power

First of all, I’m not a religious person; in fact far from it. But when I read something and it inadvertently has something that I can associate with photography, I can overcome my beliefs.

So, having said that, Matthew 7:7 says, “Seek and ye shall find”. Ok, what on God’s green earth does that have to do with photography?

Plenty, but it’s not in the actual picture-taking part of photography but having to do with research. Let me explain:

As most of you know, I teach an online class with the BPSOP, and I conduct my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” workshops all around our (round) planet.

I’m constantly asked questions relating to just about every aspect of photography. After a fifty-three year career in advertising, corporate, and editorial photography, and teaching since 1983, I would say that I can answer most of them.

When I’m asked a question that I’m not sure I can answer with authority, I go to the World Wide Web, aka the Internet. Everything one would want to know is there if you just take the time to look.

I’m not sure why my fellow photographers won’t take the time to find out what they want to be answered. Perhaps they have never heard of the internet? Maybe they just don’t have the time to “mess with it”, or they don’t know what to write.

Take the time, there’s so much great information out there besides what you’re looking for; I have often stopped and read something that I wasn’t looking for.

When you do, I strongly suggest that you confirm the information. Never rely on just one opinion or definition…why? Because there’s a lot of bad BS out there and people who claim to be experts, are just looking for their fifteen minutes of fame. When you get the same or similar answers, then more than likely you can trust the information.

If you’re looking for equipment from cameras and lens, to tripods and filters be sure to read all the comments/reviews both positive and negative. How many stars does it have?

Take it from me, knowledge is power.

Visit my website at www.joebaraban.com, and check out my workshop schedule at the top of this blog. Come shoot with me sometime.


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