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My Favorite Quotes: For a Few Good Men

Pretty clear what he’s doing

I know some of you are asking yourself what in the world could a quote from this movie have anything to do with photography.

Well, I’m always on the lookout for anything that might make an interesting quote, especially if it’s based on something from my online classes with the BPSOP, or in my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” workshops I conduct around our (more than likely) round planet.

I recently had a student enrolled in my part II class submit a photo that represented the current lesson Silhouettes. She submitted a shot of someone taking a picture that was in silhouette; actually one version and another almost identical.

As I always do, I put them up side by side so I could make a comparison and talk about it in a video that I create for every submission, and there was one small detail that was in one photo but not the other.

In one of the photos where the man had his camera up to his eye, there was a small area of negative space that was separating his arm from his body. It was clear that he was taking a picture.

In the other photo, there wasn’t any separation because that small area of negative space wasn’t there. As a result, the viewer would not be able to tell what the man was doing; it just wasn’t clear.

So my fellow photographers, whatever you’re trying to say in your photography no matter what the subject is, remember that you’re not going to be around to explain your thought process so it’s going to need to be…crystal clear!!

Visit my website at www.joebaraban.com, and check out my workshop schedule at the top of this blog. Come shoot with me sometime.


BTW, here’s where I got the quote, in case you don’t remember the scene: here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYqgHXFBWbg

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