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My Favorite Quotes: Edward Weston

While waiting to order, I saw this and got excited.

I want to announce my next workshop “Autumn in France” to be next October 2nd. It will be in Bordeaux, Dordogne, and Toulouse. If you go to the top of my blog and click on the link, you can read the description. Join me for a great visual experience, seeing places that few people won’t ever be able to.

One of my favorite photographers that was part of the Group F/64 movement was Edward Weston…the movement that started in San Francisco. The book for those interested in how photography evolved is a must read: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20613662-group-f-64

He once said, “Anything that excites me for any reason, I will photograph”. I often quote him to my online classes with the BPSOP, and also in my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” workshops I conduct all over the place.

Of course that quote is predicated on the assumption that you have a camera somewhere on your body. If I’m walking around with my class in one of my workshops, I’ll have a Canon 5DMarkIII over my shoulder and my little Panasonic DMC-LX5.

If I’m by myself at home I  Houston, then I always have my Lumix with me…why, you ask?

Because there’s so much that excites me out there, and I’m always seeing and thinking with the right side of my brain…the creative side.

That’s not to say that everything I shoot is a wall hanger. If I’m lucky, one out of fifty would  be worth considering. It’s that one that I’m after, and at this point in my career it’s extremely elusive.

As I tell my fellow photographers, my mantra, is “more shots per hour.” For those of you coming from the film days, unless you had a client paying for your film and processing, photography was an expensive hobby.

For those of you that have fallen in love with photography in the digital age, film is cheap, as in those cards you stick in your camera giving you an endless amount of exposures. The more you shoot, the greater the chances in going home with that ‘wall hanger’.

So, that being said, if it excites you in any way, shoot it. You can always delete later if it’s one of those photos that winds up on the “cutting room floor”.

Visit my website at www.joebaraban.com, and follow me on Instagram. Look for upcoming workshops at the top of this blog. Come shoot with me sometime.


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