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Food for Digital Thought: Photography is about Photographers

Lumix DMC-LX7

First of all, I still have a spot open for my next trip to Cuba. This time we’re going to Santiago and Baracoa, the end of January and it’s a small group of seven. With these trips you don’t have to be a photographer, you can just come for the historical and cultural aspect. We always have a Cuban Historian with us and you can just use your iPhone if you want. Click on workshops at the top of this blog for the complete description.

If you’re interested and have questions, you can email me at: joe@joebaraban.com.

Ok, back to business! For those new to my blog, I have been writing these posts since 2011; one coming out every six days…that’s lot of posts. I teach an online class with the BPSOP, and I conduct workshops all over this completely round planet.

Photography is not about the camera. A camera didn’t make a great picture any more than a typewriter wrote a great novel. What’s important is the ten inches behind the camera that really counts.

Take a moment and think about all the famous photographs that were shot by: Alfred Steiglitz, Margaret Bourke-White, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Ansel Adams, Dorothea Lange, Edward Weston, just to name a few that immediately comes to mind.

These photographers and their photographers have stood the test of time and their cameras were antiquated and archaic compared to the sleek new mirrorless cameras we use today that can do everything except snap the shutter…and they can ever do that for you!!!

So, my fellow photographers, don’t worry about the camera you use, although at the very least I would recommend a full frame camera so what you saw looking through the viewfinder, you got.  Concentrate on your composition and incorporating the basic elements of design. Shoot on manual, get rid of those insidious blinking lights. Also, you don’t need a Histogram. Learn the light all by yourself. I’ve been shooting for fifty-three years and I’ve never even thought about it…and my pictures have come out pretty good.

FYI, the above photo was shot with my little Lumix DMC-LX7. If you look at the photos on my website, you would be surprised how many were shot with this camera.

I would also highly consider taking my classes!!

Visit my website at www.joebaraban.com and follow me on Instagram www.instagram.com/barabanjoe. Check out my workshops at the top of this blog and come shoot with me sometime. How about coming to Chicago with me September 4th to the 11th for a great workshop in a great city.


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