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AskJoeB: Portfolio Shot?


Daniel sent me this photo to talk about. Here’s what he had to say in case any of my fellow photographers have ever had a similar situation and would like to read his note to me.

“Hey Joe!
I’m in the process of putting together a portfolio with the images that i consider strong. For some reason i cant decide on this one. What i like mostly about this picture is the light, i did not think i would find a good shot with “noon light” which really is bad light to shoot in.. but its actually what makes the shot here. I personally really like the moment i captured, the NS that separates the man’s and womans foot. having in mind tht its basically street photography, do you think i should put it in my portfolio or u dont think its strong enough? i would really apretiate if you shared with me your thoughts about this image. and in a perfect world.. what would you have liked to see?”


The first thing I would like to have seen is a straight horizon line. In your photo, it feels like everything is slipping to the left. Now I realize that when you’re walking around “street shooting” you’re after an emotion or stopping a moment in time; and that’s all well and good and sometimes things not level can generate tension. However, your also have a certain amount of architecture mixed in and that’s what I’d like to see straight. This is also about light and silhouettes and not so much about any kind of “decisive moment”.

Ok, about the light:

Since I’m primarily a colorist, I’m always showing people in my online class with the PPSOP and in my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” workshops how to incorporate the elements of visual design and composition into their imagery. Color and Light are at the top of the list. I’m always after quality light and would ordinarily avoid shooting at noon. Having said that, B/W is different, especially in giving a Photo-Journalistic or editorial look to your images. Harsh light and contrast can add a sense of the dramatic to your photos. If I do shoot when the light isn’t so good, one way to rise above it is to look for silhouettes as you’ve done here in B/W.

Exposing for the light and creating the silhouettes was a good idea. I really like the man on the far left, especially the patterns behind his face. Having him about to leave the frame is also generating visual tension. The juxtaposition between the man and woman walking in opposite directions is a good example of Gestalt at work, as in one of the six principles called “The Law of common fate”, which deals in visual direction.

Last, I wish there was more going on in the other half of your frame. To me, the viewer will lose interest as soon as his eye moves away from the two people walking on the left. Since Westerners were taught to read from left to right,that’s also how we often perceive and process information in a photo.

Thanks for the submission, and I hope it helped you decide.

Visit my website at: www.joebaraban.com and check out my 2013 workshop schedule at the top of this blog. Come shoot with me sometime.

Don’t forget to send me a photo and question to: AskJoeB@gmail.com.


{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Gary Thursby February 11, 2013, 10:30 pm

    Like I said previously I usually do not like to comment on other photographer’s photographs sent to Joe because they are asking for his experience and insight. However Joe said it was fine so here is my 2 cents Dan and believe me that’s all it’s worth! In street photography I try and make sense out of all the chaos going on around us. Finding those moments where people are actually doing an activity they like and do not seem to notice the outside world going on. Hope that makes sense. In your photo it just seems like people walking around going from one place to the next. Not really any activities going on. If I were there maybe create a diagonal with the light squares. Then maybe just feet walking thorough the diagonal. The elements or facts would be the pattern of light squares on the black cement floor and shoes walking by. Again this is just my opinion hope it helps a little.

    • Joe February 12, 2013, 9:30 am


      Point well taken. To share ideas and views are very good things…as long as they’re not self-serving and trying to one’s fifteen minutes of fame!!!


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