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Student Work

Frank S. sent me this photo and said, ” Saw you were open to seeing  pics and thought I’d send you this one that just re-surfaced.”

In my online class with the BPSOP, and in my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” workshops I conduct around the planet, I show people how to incorporate the Elements of Visual Design and Composition in to their imagery. Years and years (a million) ago, this man took my Maine Media Workshop, (which incidentally begins July 30th this year)  and along with his close friend, were way above the rest of the class in delivering quality images every day.3

Shooting with me didn’t give Frank his ‘eye’, he had it all along. All I did was to teach him how to use in in a different way. It seems to have stuck because his submission is a very nice portrait!!! Although I’m not a huge fan of combining B/W  (or sepia, I think!!!) and Color, this portrait is among one of the few that I really like.

It’s straightforward simple, but compelling at the same time. It hits you in the ‘eye’ like a big Pizza Pie…but with a thin soft crust!!!

For me, her eyes are the strongest part of this photo. As I teach/preach to my students, Line is probably the most important Element on their ‘Artist Palette’ ( a term I use in my workshops), because without Line, nothing else would exist. It takes lines to make patterns, Texture, Vanishing Points, etc., as well as planes, trains, and automobiles..why???? Because planes, trains, and automobiles all have outLINES.

The most important Line is the horizon line, which should always be straight. However, the implied line between the subject and the lens is  very powerful, and for that reason, if I’m not having them look out of the frame (see my post on the Leading in Rule), I usually have my subjects looking into the lens.

The exposure was very important here as far as getting the bright background, the skin-tones and her dress to have their own feel/look but to be combined together to make up the finished photo. It might look easy, but it’s not!!!

Thanks for the submission.

Visit my website at: www.joebaraban.com, and follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/barabanjoe check out my workshop schedule at the top of this Blog. Come shoot with me sometime.





Student Work: Motion Freezing Picture

I recently had a fellow photographer submit this photo into my online class. I always like to include their question so those out there that share the same thoughts, or like to take similar photos can read what they had to say. Here’s what Jean had to say:

“Hello Joe,

I was in your class last month in your BPSOP and I read your blog coming from and I want to show you one of my ‘motion-freezing’ picture. I’d be glad to hear your critique.
Thanks a lot,


First of all I want to comment on the fact that Jean was in my part I class that I teach with the BPSOP. What I teach there is the same material  covered in my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” workshops I conduct around the planet. That said, I hope some of what I have to say has rubbed off on her. From the looks of this photo I must be a good teacher because it’s a very strong image; it’s filled with the elements of design and composition that I show people how to use in order to take their imagery what I refer to as “up a notch”.

Ok Jean, let’s talk about it.

It’s a really nice photo that takes the viewer on a ride through the frame via the bridge and the water. Visual direction is sooooo important when keeping the viewer an active participant. The more ways we can get the viewer to leave and enter our frame the more energy he or she will use…and that’s a good thing!!! It’s what I teach in my new Gestalt class.

As far as freezing the motion, I think you might really be meaning something else…why? Because you haven’t frozen the motion. By using a long exposure, you’ve made the water look almost placid, with no ripples that would catch the light accentuating them and say movement. If you had shot at a shorter exposure, it might have looked like you had frozen the water and their would have been a different kind of texture than the smooth type you created here. It’s something I would have tried both ways.

That’s not necessarily a bad thing, in fact it usually creates an almost ethereal feeling. However in this example, I think the reflections of the sky in the water being so smooth may not be a “quick read”. At the bottom of the small waterfall, it looks a little like a low covering fog bank. The part of the reflected water appears as it it’s disappearing under the fog. It appears as though the water is cascading over some kind of rock structure that’s rendering the reflections somewhat weird and perhaps a little hard to understand. That’s not a bad thing either!!! It’s also hard to tell where the water ends and the deck (I think) begins.

I think it’s still a beautiful photo, beautifully lit, perfectly exposed, and well composed. There’s lots of things for the viewer to discover and enjoy, and it’s one you should be proud of.

Btw, remember that showing a subject and its reflection is one of the ways to create Visual Tension, and that’s one of the reason your photo attracts the viewer in the way he perceives then processes the information.

Thanks for sharing it on my blog.

Visit my workshop at: www.joebaraban.com and follow me on Instagram: www.instagrm.com/barabanjoe. Also check out my workshop schedule at the top of this blog. Come shoot with me sometime.



My Favorite Quotes: Johnathon Swift

I saw a Ferris wheel, but what else did I see?

I saw a Ferris wheel, but what else did I see?

Most of you will know Johnathon Swift as the guy that wrote Gulliver’s Travels; one of the few books I read more than once. Among a much smaller crowd, he’s known for a quote he said a long time ago. A quote I have read once or twice in the past forty years as an advertising, editorial,  and corporate photographer. He said, ” Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others”.

As I often tell my fellow photographers that sign up for my online classes with the BPSOP, or the ones that shoot with me in my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” workshops I conduct around the planet, use the Elements of Visual Design to help you “see past your first impressions”. If it’s a tree, then what else is it? It’s an object made up of Texture, Patterns, Form (when side lit) Shape, and most important Line. It’s about the Negative Space between the branches that are defining those leaves and branches.

Depending on the time of day, it’s about the shadow the tree creates. When shot early in the morning or late in the day when the sun is gone the tree becomes a two-dimensional silhouette against a brighter sky. It’s all these things that most people can’t see…why, because they just don’t know how to see… with the right vision.

In the above photo, the left side of my brain, the analytical side, saw a Ferris Wheel. The right side, the creative side saw motion, a circle, a triangle, patterns, lines, light, and color.

Once you learn how to see with this vision, a whole new set of photo opportunities will be at your disposal. no longer will you say that when you went out shooting, you just didn’t see anything interesting. There’s ALWAYS something interesting to shoot.

Visit my website at: www.joebaraban.com, and follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/barabanjoe. Be sure to check out  my workshop schedule, and come shoot with me.



Student Work: Winter

Aaron from Georgia sent me this winter scene for a critique. Here’s what he had to say:

“Hi. I would like a critique on this image. This is one of the better images I have captured for a seasonal winter album. Like all the other pictures in this set, when I squeezed the shutter button, I was attempting to convey a sense of loneliness, cold and mystery. I took about 30 frames at this road near a farm in Eatonton, Ga. On each frame I was looking to use the road and fences as lines to pull a viewer’s eyes into the fog. (Each frame was a little different in composition.) I used a very selective depth of field, focusing on the first fence post on the bottom right of the frame. The image is photo shopped – In ACR, I adjusted exposure, increased the blacks, contrast and clarity. I also sharpened (what little depth of field there is) with ACR. In Photoshop I adjusted the levels.

So my question is: Does this photo convey the feelings of loneliness, cold and mystery well?”

Aaron, although it’s a very nice photo, I can only wonder what it looked like before all the post processing work??????? I also wonder what you would have done before the days of the digital era and specifically Photoshop????  It sort of reminds me of a conversation I had a while back with a student of mine in the class I teach with the BPSOP. She had a similar photo, not as far as a winter scene like yours, but a similar photo with quite a bit of post work. I told her that her photo reminded me of a woman I went out with once (and I do mean once).

Unfortunately, I found out the hard way that in order for her to look good, she would put on high heels (for additional height), a padded bra, fake eyelashes, colored contact lens,  and extensions for her dyed hair. It just struck me funny when you mentioned all the things you did to this photo to make it look good. I realize that this is the way it is now with the digital age and so many photographers that have only seen and composed through a digital camera, are thinking about Photoshop as a way of making their photo look better. I wonder what your photo looked like before you worked on it? I wonder if I could have taken this same photo and made it look good the way I would if I was still printing in my darkroom simply by burning and dodging, the right initial exposure,  and the right grade of paper?

Hummm, but I digress!!!

  Ok,  the first thing I wonder is what lens you used, and what aperture you had it set on. The reason I ask is because you said you used a shallow depth of field, but it seems as if all of this composition is in focus. If you had used a wide angle lens and you had it focused at infinity, then everything would have been sharp no matter what you had it set on. To me, it feels like the fog is making everything look soft.

As far as it looking cold, this kind of fog happens any time of the year just about anywhere in the country. I’ve taught a workshop where we had this exact light and fog most of the week. It was very sad since back then the name of my workshop was called “The Poetry of Light”. The class had a T-shirt made for me that said my class was now called “The Poetry of Fog. This was in August.

If you want to say cold, without being there to tell the viewer that it was indeed cold, you have to say it visually. You know it was cold because you were there, but will someone else that wasn’t there?

You do achieve a sense of Mystery and certainly Loneliness simply because of the fog, and the fact that you can’t see what’s over the hill. Loneliness also comes into play since there’s no one around.

The best part of this photo is the way you used Continuance (a concept of Gestalt) to lead the viewer down the road and fence line. You absolutely achieved that. The fence line is a very strong directional element that is very close to being a Vanishing Point which has created a sense of depth.

It’s a good photo Aaron, and thanks for submitting it to me.

Visit my website at: www.joebaraban.com, and follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/barabanjoe. Check out my workshop schedule, and come shoot with me sometime



Student’s Work: Color Saved the Day.

In my online class with the BPSOP, and in my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” Workshops, We spend a lot of time on color, since it’s one of the elements on my ‘Artist Palette’ and so important in taking our photography what I refer to as “Up a Notch”. Color is a stimulant for our eyes, and ties the elements of a photograph together. Color affects every moment of our lives, and has an enormous impact on our photography.

Coming from a background in color theory, painting and design, I have over the years trained my eye to look for color, and it often requires looking past your initial impression. Since my background is also in Journalism (as in a BA) I love to write and tell stories. Now, my medium is photography, so I use color as my way of communicating my ideas.

Nothing can help a photographer more than when he’s forced to shoot in bad light or just wants to venture out on a snowy day. Paul, a recent student with me at the PPSOP went out during our class with his ‘Artist Palette‘ (always in the back of his mind) and found this amazing location.  Since we had started working on Vanishing Points and Directional lines, and how they can add depth to our imagery, he had hit the photo jackpot!!!

 I can assure you that very few photographers would compose this photo so that the green railing would form a Vanishing Point and lead the viewer down the road to the man perfectly framed at the end. Also Paul,” seeing past first impressions“, knew that the green would have an enormous effect on his composition while communicating an idea. Moreover, on several occasions, I’ve had one of my students tell me that it was overcast and decided that there was nothing to shoot on such a gray day…and I love it when they do!! Every time they say that I just whip out this image that Paul shot and “let them eat crow”.

Paul has also done a great job in using one of the concepts in the theory of Gestalt I teach called Continuance.

I would have no problem telling people that I had shot this photograph…BRAVO!!!

Visit my website at: www.joebaraban.com and follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/barabanjoe. Check out my workshop schedule. Come shoot Vanishing Points with me sometime.



Quick Photo tip: Peak of Action

The Peak of Action

The Peak of Action

I will often walk up to one of my fellow photographers on some street in Sicily, France, or in another of my ‘springtime” destinations workshops or my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” workshops I also teach and I’ll observe him/her shooting a subject that includes some kind of action. I often notice this in photos that are submitted in one of my online classes with the BPSOP.

What I observe and notice (right away) is that the photo was not taken at the optimum point in time; to achieve the most visual interest and tension. They will quickly reach for their camera whether it be over their shoulder or around their neck and just start clicking away.

Of course one might be luckily enough to capture that moment, the peak of the action, but don’t count on it. I’ve heard soooooooooo many times someone saying, “if I would have waited I would have gotten it”…or “If I would have shot earlier I would have gotten it”. Either way you missed.

In every situation that has action in it there’s usually a moment in time that tells the story about the action you’re photographing; there’s always one exposure that the most important, and that’s the peak of the action.

Since the environment around us exposes us to various action, being at the right pace at the right time is crucial in capturing that moment. Or setting up the action and shooting it in a reportage style to make it appear as though you were in the right place at the right time (like I like to do) will work.

What I mean by the peak of action can be explained this way: If you were to through an apple up in the air, there’s a moment in time that it’s no longer going up, but has not started to come down. That split second in time is the peak of the action.; and it’s different from the decisive moment.

I know it sounds difficult, bu in reality it’ quite simple to capture. The key is knowing it’s going to happen, and slow down just a touch…and preparing yourself for it. Having your camera set on continuous shooting is a very good way to get it. For me it’s a visual reaction I’ve come to rely on automatically since I’ve been doing it for a long time; certainly before the digital age.

In the above photo of the little boy, I had him jump over the sprinkler several times in front of different houses. Clearly, the boy is frozen in air. He’s no longer going up, but has not started to come down…thus, the peak of action.

Visit my website at: www.joebaraban and follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/barabanjoe. Check out my workshop schedule at the top of this blog. Come shoot with me sometime.





The Pyramids of Giza.

The Pyramids of Giza.

I just love thinking back over my forty-three year career to all the funny things that happened during some of my shoots, and I gotta tell you that there were so many that are repeatable and some not so much!!!

If you’ve taken my online class with the BPSOP, or my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” workshops I conduct around the planet, you’ve probably hard some of the ones I wouldn’t repeat to just anyone.

Years ago, one of the craziest projects I worked on was for Apache Oil and Gas Annual Report. They were in the process of partnering up with the Egyptian government to start drilling there, so they sent me over to photograph whatever I wanted provided it said something about the country and it’s history. What a great assignment. For a week, I basically had Carte blanche, backed by whatever expenses I saw fit to use in order to get the shot I wanted. As the above photo will show, Egypt is dripping with history.

The day before the above shoot, we were scouting locations to find a sunrise location where I could position the camel caravan I had just hired. We were scouting on camels, so when we found the right spot and returned to the stables I made a point in saying that it was going to be the very last time I would ever get on a smelly, dirty, obstinate, and very uncomfortable camel.

Before sunrise of the morning of the shoot, we headed out but this time the designer, my assistant and I were on Arabian Stallions instead of camels. Wow, what a difference!!! After a great morning shoot, we headed back racing down the huge sands dunes with the Pyramids of Giza looking right at us. It was a Cecil B. DeMille moment and one I’ll always remember.

Ok, now for the funny part: For those of you out there that have never seen the pyramids, let me tell you that they’re not out in the desert; quite the contrary. Much to my surprise they’re just on the edge of Cairo, with a resort hotel and casino across the street ((actually where we stayed), a shopping center on one side where you could buy pyramid thermometers, and a golf course on the other.

Hard to believe? Well two photos are worth two thousand words. Here’s one with the client putting on a green ( with a caddy possibly a descendant from Pharaoh himself ) and the other is yours truly hitting out of the largest sand trap in the world!!!

Visit my website at: www.joebaraban.com, and follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/barabanjoe. Check out my workshop schedule at the top of this blog. Come shoot with me sometime.



AskJoeB: Sailing In Maine

Alan sent me the above photo and ask for my opinion. Here’s what he had to say:

“Hello Joe:

I was up in Acadia National Park a few years ago.  I love to sail  and we were out on this boat for a sunset cruise. I captured this image and thought it was interesting how the deck hand was focused on doing something as they sat on the rail.

I decided to turn it to Black and White as the color did not add to the image.  I like this image because it tells a story framed with the sails and showing the deckhand.
Then it looks like I got a “Sunstar”   We discussed these in the BPSOP composition class. Even though I like this image and I think it is good, I am sure that there is room for improvement.  What could I do to make this one better?

I look forward to your critique. ”

OK Alan, let’s take it one idea at a time:

With my online class with the BPSOP, and also with my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” workshops I conduct around the planet, one of the things I tell my students is to make sure whatever message they want to get across is what I refer to as a “Quick read”. Since you won’t always be around to explain to the viewer what’s going on in your photo, it has to be able to stand on its own. What I mean is that you say it was interesting watching the deck hand. You would be hard pressed to find anyone that would know that it was a deck hand and not someone with you taking the cruise.

If you want to say deckhand, then say it visually. Have him doing something that only a deck hand would be doing.

First of all, we don’t perceive in a square, we perceive in a rectangle…a 3:2 aspect ratio. Your photo is way too claustrophobic for the environment that’s surrounding you…but that’s another story!!!Now let’s address the color vs Black and White issue:

Don’t get me wrong, I love B/W, and started my career shooting mostly B/W with the AP and UPI. There’s a time for B/W (unfortunately these days that means de-saturating the color), and there’s a time for color and watching the sunset on a sailboat cruising off the coast of Maine is, in my opinion, a time for color. You say that color didn’t add to this image so I would love to see the original color version because I’m from the great state of Missouri and our state motto is “The Show Me State”!!!

Sailing is just too romantic to view in B/W. Think of all the famous quotes about sailing, and the one that immediately comes to mind is: “Red sky by morning, sailor take warning. Red sky at night, sailor’s delight”. Can you imagine this quote as the title to your photo???????

Here’s a phrase I constantly hear now that I’m the age I am: “They retired and sailed off into the sunset”. When you retire, would you want to sail off into a B/W sunset?

Thanks for the submission Alan. I hope I was of help.

Visit my website at: www.joebaraban.com and follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/barabanjoe. Check out my workshop schedule at the top of this blog. Come shoot with me sometime.



So many Elements from Elija’s ‘Artist Palette’

Elija is a photographer living in Croatia. He recently took my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” class with the BPSOP and submitted this photo to show how he used several Elements of Visual Design and Composition that are on his new ‘Artist Palette’ to create this wonderful photograph. He composed this photo with these in mind: Line, Pattern, Texture, Negative Space, Perspective, Shape, Color, and Visual Tension.

The man was in the middle of the frame, and I made a suggestion to Elija to move him to the edge, and this is where the Visual Tension comes in. Now, I know that some of you were taught to always have your subject walking into the frame (The Leading in rule), but when you do that, the viewer will already know where he’s walking. I want the viewer to wonder where he’s walking to next by implying content outside the frame. By placing him close to the edge of the frame, and minimizing the Negative Space, it’s creates Tension.Not the garden variety that comes from emotional or mental strain, but visual Tension that occurs when forces act in opposition to one another; as in the person and the edge of the frame…BTW, that’s a stupid rule!!!

By the way, I wrote a post about the Leading in Rule, and why I thought it was a DUMB. Check it out!

After a four week course, Elija is able to see these elements before he composes his idea. With his imagination working in tandem with the Elements on his ‘Artist Palette‘, the results are what you’re looking at now. A very well done photograph, one that will surely be remembered.

Great shot!

Visit my website at: www.joebaraban.com and follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/barabanjoe. Check out my workshop schedule at the top of this blog. Come shoot with me sometime.



Food For Digital Thought

A camera, handled correctly, is a passport to wonderful places and experience. You’ve noticed that I put ‘handled correctly’ in italics, and there’s a good reason for that.

I teach an online class with the BPSOP, and I also conduct workshops everywhere in the world. It’s the workshops that I want to talk about because it’s there where  I find the biggest problems.

Case in point. During my workshop in Prague, we were shooting sunrise at a famous cathedral know for being one of the first to use a Flying Buttress in it’s architecture. Right at sunrise a woman came up to me with her new Leica (with lens was $60,000) and asked me if I knew how to use it.

Apparently, she had bought this system right before the workshop and had no idea how to use it….boggles the mind!!!

I said that I had no idea and asked her if she had practiced with it and read the manual before coming. I also said that there’s lots of instructions you could find on YouTube.

She responded with a strange kind of look and then said that she had never thought about it. She thought that there would be people in the workshop that could help her.

I can’t tell you how important it is to try out new equipment before going anywhere. Whether it be a new body, a lens, or switching to a brand new system…especially a new system. Sit down with the camera and manual and go through each and every page so you’ll have a complete working knowledge and

be in a position to come back with photos of a lifetime.

The second most important thing I strongly suggests to all my fellow photographers and students is to learn how to shoot on manual. Make your own decisions as far as the camera settings, and not let the camera (a machine) make them for you. I can guarantee you that you’ll become a far stronger shooter.

Visit my website at www.joebaraban.com, and follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/barabanjoe. Check out my workshop schedule at the top of this blog. Come shoot with me sometime.



AskJoeB:Four Minute Exposure

So many elements from her Artist Palette.

Valeriano submitted this remarkable photo and asked what I thought of it.  Here is what he said when I asked him to explain what he did:

“Hi Joe,

The exposure was 4 minutes (I have used a 10 stops ND filter and a 2 stops ND Grad to hold back the sky).

I knew the pier would have been a silhouette and I wanted to catch the muted colors of the last rays of sun at sunset. Also I have chosen to go for such a long exposure in order to get the ocean really calm an some movement in the clouds, juxtaposing it to the fixed figure of the pier structure. What do you think?”

OK, I have to preface my answer to him by saying that Valeriano was an online student of mine with the BPSOP. With both my online class and my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” workshop I conduct around the planet, I teach people how to use the elements of visual design and composition to take their photography what I refer to as “Up a Notch”. We also work on color as a way to communicate ideas and light as the single most important element found on my Artist Palette.

In Valeriano’s photo, he has used his new Artist Palette to create a wonderful photo; a photo that will be remembered. His use of Negative Space to define the posts in the water, the railing on the pier, and the people and umbrellas was no accident. We start working on Negative Space in the first week since it’s so important to strike a balance between the Negative and Positive Space. Valeriano knew exactly what he was doing!!!

In the second week of my online class, we work on using Vanishing Points to lead the viewer around the frame, as well as to the horizon. Valeriano, by placing himself where he did, created a wonderful Vanishing Point, and as you can see, it’s a wonderful way to keep the viewer an active participant in our photography. When we do that, he’ll stick around longer, and that’s exactly what we want him to do.

By framing the way he did, he created “layers of interest” by anchoring the sitting area in the foreground. This is also what we work on..Perspective and depth. His use of a silhouette is something we spend an entire week on in my BPSOP part II class

If I could do anything, I would have asked if I could open all the umbrellas and create a pattern with them using Negative Space to define each one…we also work on Patterns (an element of visual design) as well.

It takes a lot of work and thinking to create a photo like this, and Valeriano should be proud of his accomplishment.

Thanks for the submission, I enjoyed looking at it.

Visit my website at: www.joebaraban.com and follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/barabanjoe come shoot with me sometime. You’ll walk away with your own Artist Palette as a souvenir of your experience.



My Student’s Work: Tension Equals Energy

In my online class with the BPSOP, and in my Workshops I teach around the globe, we work on the elements of visual design and how they can be incorporated into our imagery. These elements are found on my ‘Artist Palette’, and it’s what a lot of my workshop is all about.

One of the elements is called Tension. Tension is Energy, and it’s a very important tool in taking our photography what I call “Up a Notch”.

There are several ways to generate Tension in our photos, and one of them is “Framing within a frame”. The Energy is created when the viewer looks through the frame to see the subject. He will first see the frame, then he’ll move through it to see whatever it is for him to see. The time spent on doing this will take additional Energy, and TENSION=ENERGY.

Here’s an attempt by Laurette, on of my online students to create Tension. Not only is it a very good example of “Framing within a Frame”, but it’s also filled with other elements of design that can also be found on my ‘Artist Palette’:

Negative Space, Patterns, Texture, Line, Vanishing Point, Shape, and Perspective.

When you can put this many elements into a photograph, it stands a very good chance in being considered “Up a Notch”…even though it’s a square.


Nice job Laurette!!!

Visit my website at www.joebaraban.com, and follow me on Instagram www.instagram.com/barabanjoe. Look for coming workshops at the top of this blog. Come shoot with me sometime.


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Anecdotes: United airlines/Hawaii

It was me all along.

It was me all along.

I was shooting for five weeks in Hawaii for United Airlines and the Hawaii Department of Tourism. Along with some of the top hotels, they had formed a coop in which they all shared in the expenses.

I had sent my producer over a week ahead of time to scout locations for me to look at once I got there and to ultimately shoot. I had told her that I wanted to include some typical well-known tourists attractions, because they would look different when I shot them….why you ask?

For the simple reason that the tourists would get there sometime after breakfast and before lunch, or after lunch and before dinner. Either way, they would be there in the worst possible light, while I would be there before the sun came up and right before it set.

In these types of locations, it’s all about the light, and very few of my fellow photographers ever thinks about that. In my online class with the BPSOP, and in my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” workshops I conduct around the planet, I’m always stressing that the light is critical if you’re trying to take your photography what I refer to as “up a level”.

Knowing where the light is going to be, how long it will be there, and when it will leave is fundamental in coming home with that illusive OMG photo. The only time light can be second in the thought process is when you’re street shooting and “the moment” will and can trump beautiful light…especially if you’re shooting B/W.

One of the tourist attractions my producer found was on the Island of Kauai. It was the Kilauea Lighthouse, and it was one of the more popular attractions on the Island. At a popular lookout point I checked the light for sunrise and sunset readings coupled with my Morin2000 Hand Bearing Compass. After determining that it was a sunset shoot, I set out to add something to what would otherwise be a fairly predictable photo; even at sunset…another “layer of interest “.

There was a big enough budget that I could do pretty much what I wanted in terms of props. In this case the prop was a forty-five foot sailboat I chartered to have it tack back and forth close to the cliff. Since I knew where the sun was going to set, it was easy to backlight the huge sail.

We arrived at the lookout well in advance to make sure we secured the best spot, free from other tourists that might get in the way; not an option considering what the sailboat cost.

Right on time the sailboat came around the cliff and as it did, all the tourist that were also there started hooting and hollering while clapping at their good fortune. While the rest of the ‘weekend photographers’ shot with their small cameras with even smaller lens, I had my 600mm F/4 Nikor lens on.

The crown couldn’t believe it when the sailboat started going back and forth with the lighthouse overlooking it; they hooted, hollered, and clapped some more. Finally one of them came over to me to see what I was doing since I had a headset on with a voice-activated mike.

What I was doing was talking via a powerful walki-talki to one of my assistants that was on the sailboat with another walki-talkis. I was the one that was instructing the sailboat to tack back and forth. When the word got around to all the others, they began to hoot and holler louder than they had been…and applauded my entire crew.

Visit my website at: www.joebaraban.com, and follow me on Instagram, www.instagram.com/barabanjoe. Check out my workshop schedule at the top of this blog. come shoot with me sometime.


Look ma, no Photoshop

Look ma, no Photoshop

I often wonder what kind of photographer I would have turned out to be had there been Photoshop way back when. Way back when Adobe was a type of house in the Southwest part of the US. What would I have done differently? It’s always a topic talked about with my online students at the BPSOP, and in my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” workshops I conduct around the planet.

Remembering back when whatever you did in terms of creating a photo that the client would buy, had to be done in the camera because way back when there weren’t personal computers.

The big companies were just starting to use computers, and these giant behemoths I was occasionally sent to photograph took up an entire floor to generate the power that can now be found sitting on my desk in my iMac 27 with 32 GB of RAM, a 4.0 GHz processor, and a three terabyte Fusion hard drive…maybe? Close?

In my opinion, I wouldn’t be near the photographer had I had access to Lightroom, Photoshop, and all the plug-ins that one can find out in the geek-produced/induced digital market. I would have wound up with a sore butt from the hours that would have been needed sitting in front of a computer to achieve what I did in the camera.

In terms of my imagination, and my eye, and always thinking about “coloring outside the lines” these things would not have been any different. It’s using that imagination and my ‘eye’ instead of digital help that I’m talking about. Using the Elements of Visual Design and composition, and being a student of the Light is what made me whatever I am today, and not a computer.

I even know how to focus manually!!!!


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a purist in any sense of the word. I love Photoshop, and I use it on every photo I take to some extent…why not!! I just personally like the challenge of getting it in the camera.

In the above photo, I was shooting for Rubbermaid outdoor furniture, and had two truck loads of their entire line that followed me down the California coast. We were in Big Sur at the Ventana Inn. Actually, we were on the roof of the Nepenthe restaurant and it was mid day.; not the ideal time to shoot as the light was hot and harsh.

I needed the light to be soft so it might replicate the period of time we were going for; it wasn’t going to happen without help.

If this would have been shoot in the digital age, creating that feeling in front of the computer would have been easy, but it wasn’t. Instead, to get that feeling I set up my 20X20 silk to diffuse the harsh light. coming from a sun that was directly above us. As you can see, this isn’t a small item, and it took an hour and a half just to set it up in the wind.

Think about a 20X20 piece of silk…that’s 400 square feet of sail, and if not tied down correctly on huge stands that were held down with sand bags, it would take my assistants over the ocean and deposit them in really cold water inhabited by things that can eat you…or maybe just play with you until you drown.

400 sq. ft. of sail.

400 sq. ft. of sail.

The good news is that it wouldn’t take me ( as I would be the only one left) near as long to break down what was left of the set.


Visit my website at: www.joebaraban.com, and follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/barabanjoe. Check out my  workshop schedule at the top of this blog, and come shoot with me sometime.
