For most of my forty plus career in Advertising and Corporate Photography, I’ve been using what I call my Artist Palette. Now that I’m teaching online with the BPSOP, and conducting my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” workshop around the planet, I’m passing the baton to all my students.
The full description of my Artist Palette can be found in the workshop overview on my website, but basically the Artist Palette is filled with all the Elements of Visual Design and Composition. Terms like: Negative Space, Vanishing Point, Tension, Perspective, Pattern, Texture, Shape, Line, Form, Light, and Color are either used individually or together to make the viewer become an active participant in our imagery which in turn will take our photography what I refer to as “Up a Notch”.
In this wonderful photograph Liz, a BPSOP student of mine, has learned just how important her new Artist Palette can be. The balance between the Negative and Positive space, the use of Perspective to create Layers of Interest, Tension generated by framing within a frame, creating three important triangles (Shape), Line, Pattern, Texture, Light, and Color have all melded together into a memorable photograph. When you can use this many Elements of Visual Design in one photo, it’s going to be very hard to miss.

Great shot Liz!
Visit my website at: www.joebaraban, follow me on Instagram: Check out my workshop schedule and come shoot with me and work with your new Artist Palette.
This was definitely one of my favorites from class. A very memorable photo indeed and one I wish I could say was mine!!