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Student Work: BPSOP Classes

Lots of elements from the 'Artist Palette' are in this image.

Lots of elements from the ‘Artist Palette’ are in this image.

In my online class with the BPSOP, and in my “Stretching Your Frame of mind” workshops I conduct around the planet, I teach my fellow photographers how to incorporate the Elements of Visual Design and composition into your photography. While Line, Texture, Pattern, Form, Shapes, Balance and Color are the basic elements, we also work on Negative Space, Vanishing Point, Perspective, Rhythm, and Visual Tension.  All of these are found on the ‘Artist Palette’ the students walk away with after the four week course.

I like to present my online classes work to show how their new ‘Artist Palette’ has taken their imagery to new heights…Up a notch” is what I always refer to it as. As you enjoy the slideshow, you’ll see all these elements in each of the photos and as you’re drawn to these images, you’ll begin to understand why they’re as strong as they are.

Enjoy the show:

Visit my website at: www.joebaraban.com, and follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/barabanjoe. Check out my workshop schedule at the top of this blog. Come shoot with me sometime.


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