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PPSOP: August Class

Cecilia’s self portrait.

Each month I teach a class with the PPSOP. It’s an online four week class, and each month I usually get twenty to twenty five participants; and they’re more than likely just like you. That is, they’re amateur photographers passionate  about photography, and want to take their images up to the next level but just don’t know how to go about it.

Both in my online class and my “Stretching your Frame of Mind” workshops I conduct around the planet, I teach students how to incorporate the Elements of Visual Design and Composition into their image making. Negative Space, Vanishing Point, Perspective, Line, Texture, Pattern, Form, Shape, Light and Color are the elements that we work together on. Each week the class is given a different lesson to work on, while taking what they’ve learned in the prior lesson with them to the next week’s assignment. At the end of the four weeks, they walk away with an ‘Artist Palette’ with all these elements on it.

As the month progresses, the level of work changes with each day. Once each student embraces a particular element they can integrate in into their thought process and “make a picture” using it.

I want to share some of their wonderful pictures with you they have taken over the course of the four weeks, so you can see how their new Palette has helped take their imagery what I refer to in class as, “Up a notch”. What you see is a small representation of the work that was created. The level of work is incredible  and unfortunately there were just too many to show all of them, so I tried to represent all the elements that they learned how to use. Can you see them?


Visit my website at: www.joebaraban.com and I’m working on my 2013 workshop schedule, so stay tuned. Come shoot all the elements with me sometime.

Keep those questions and photos coming to: AskJoeB@gmail.com


{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Dawn September 10, 2012, 1:41 pm

    There are some great ones in here.  The cherry photo is stunning.  Did the same person also shoot the orange peel in the wine glass?  Love the white chair, great simple composition.  Also some great lighting & lines in the people photos.  Looks like it was another fun month for you, Joe.  Anyone who is on the fence about your class should take it.  It changed my world, that’s for sure.

    • Joe September 11, 2012, 11:09 am


      I’ll always show good stuff!!!!!!!!!!


    • Joe September 11, 2012, 11:30 am

      Hi Dawn,

      No, two different women took them. Both of them are very good……………now!!!



  • Debbie Daigle September 10, 2012, 6:08 pm

    Hi Joe-
       What fun to see these pictures on your blog!  I am honored that you chose some of mine!  I can hardly wait for October and for my journey into Part II!


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