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Personal Pearl of Wisdom: You Find the Light, You’ll Find the Shot.

And that was that!

As most of you know, one of my favorite topics to discuss with my fellow photographers is “The Light” . You also have heard me say that the only thing that would upstage great light is in street shooting where capturing a moment in time or stopping an action is more important.

In my online class with the BPSOP, and in my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” workshops I conduct around our planet I have what I call my “Personal Pearls of Wisdom”. These are thoughts and ideas I’ve accumulated over the course of my forty-eight years as a professional photographer and my thirty-two years as a workshop instructor and teacher.

One of these Pearls that I’ve been mentioning for a very long time is, You find the light and you’ll find the shot. Time and time again when I’ve been out shooting the light has saved the day for me. I’ve also found that after all these years, the light can make just about anything look good.

Sometimes I find the subject first with light already working to my advantage, and sometimes I find the light first and place a subject in it. Since I’m not one of those so called purist that refuse to change anything in their composition ( but have no problem altering said composition in post-production), I have no problem…why you ask?

I guess it’s because of my background being in painting and not in photography. I still consider myself an artist/painter, I’ve just changed the medium from a paintbrush to a camera. To me, a camera on a tripod is just like a blank canvas on an easel…I paint…I make pictures the same way I use to paint.

In the above photo I wandered into a small church because I just happened to notice that the sun was coming up and striking the large windows on the east side of the building.

Well to remind my fellow photographers of a quote said by a famous photographer named Eddie Adams, as I was contemplating what I was going to do with this great light streaming through the windows the priest came through the door and began smiling and welcoming me.

“OMG” I thought to myself (no pun intended), I couldn’t believe my good fortune. I immediately asked him if I could take his portrait and he said he would love it; because he needed a new picture of himself.

I placed him in the light and that was that…end of story!!!!

So the next time you go out shooting look for the light all around you, and more than likely there will be a photo there just for the taking!!!

Visit my website at: www.joebaraban.com, and check out my workshop schedule at the top of this blog. Come shoot with me sometime. I just announced my New York, New York Workshop beginning September 17th ,2019 and ending at noon on the 23rd. This will be my second workshop there and this time we’ll be shooting in all the five boroughs.


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