One shot is all I got.
First of all, the expression “Don’t give it a second thought” is an idiom. So, to begin with, let me explain what an idiom is:
Essential Meaning of idiom
1: an expression that cannot be understood from the meanings of its separate words but that has a separate meaning of its ownThe expression “give way,” meaning “retreat,” is an idiom.
To make it easy, here are some common idioms: rock and roll, going bananas, a wet blanket, a tall order, a blind spot. So, now you understand what the title of this post is…or not???? Let me explain ‘where I’m coming from…another idiom.
I recently heard someone say that and I immediately thought of a post to write, but changing the wording just a touch so it refers to photography.
When I’m doing a critique of one of my student’s photos in my online class with the BPSOP, and also talking about stuff in my “Stretching Your frame of Mind” workshops I tell my fellow photographers to not just take one shot of any subject in any photo genre. I guarantee you that the odds are that it won’t be a ‘wall-hanger’; on your wall or anyone else’s…especially mine.
For me, it’s a series of adjustments and variations. The adjustment is moving to the right, left, raising your camera, or lowering it. I do these to get rid of the things I don’t want in my composition or the things I do want. Of course, the best way to do that is to always do my ‘Border Patrol’, check the four corners, and especially the 15PPP.
Then, the variations are different ways to look at the same subject. Whether it’s laying on my stomach or on my knees, Moving around to one side or the other…or behind it. This is to see how the different the light affects the person or object. Changing lens or depth of field is also on my checklist.
Don’t be a “one and done” (another idiom) type of photographer. The only time that’s a possibility is when I’m street shooting and I have one chance to freeze a moment in time, as in the photo above.
The rest of the time…take time and you’ll see all the options you’ll have when you’re sitting in front of the computer viewing your photos.
Visit my website at www.joebaraban.com, and follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/barabanjoe/
Check out any upcoming workshops at the top of this blog. Come shoot with me sometime…another idiom!!!