Pam knows “Light is everything”.
I just finished a week at the Maine Media Workshop, teaching my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” class. It was my seventeenth year, and it was still as much fun as it was in the eighties. I always pick the same week, as it’s the same time as the Lobster Festival just down the road in Rockland, and the State Fair in Bangor. I pick this week so it gives my class something else to shoot besides small fishing villages, lighthouses, beautiful scenery, local artists, old historical houses and barns, and flowers in full bloom..as if that isn’t enough!!!
I had a full workshop, and as usual there were students that have also take my online class with the PPSOP, so the diversity of the photos shot and submitted for a review were interesting, and it made for a good time in between the daily morning and evening shoots. As always, my class is about teaching photographers how to incorporate the elements of visual design and composition into their imagery. Negative Space, Vanishing points, Perspective, Tension, Patterns, Texture, Line, Shape, Form, Light , and Color are the elements that my students walk away with that are now found on their new ‘Artist Palette’.
The photo featured above was taken by a student that not only was in my Maine Media Workshop class, but enrolled in both my part I and part II online class, as well as my six month mentoring program. Pam’s an exceptional photographer that’s now on her way to making photography not just a passion, but a potential career as well.
Below is a slideshow of some of the student’s work, and you’ll be as impressed with these photos as I am; these were taken over a five day span.
Visit my website at: www.joebaraban.com, and stay tuned for my 2013 workshop schedule. Come shoot with me sometime.
Don’t forget to submit a question and photo to: AskJoeB@gmail.com
j’ai regardé votre site et vos photographies, un travail bien pensé, maitrisé et fortement interessant.
chacune de vos photographies est une réussite .
Je vous souhaite de réussir dans cette voie, bonne continuation.
Jorge (htlm)*
From Paris.
Thanks Liliana,
I was impressed!!! Hope to hear from you soon.
Joe, what a great job from your students. Incredible they got such great shots after only 5 days of classes. Congratulations.
I am taking you SYFOM at the time. Unfortunately, between my full time job and the bad weather now in winter, I have not been able to post as many photos as I would have liked. However I feel I have learned a lot in your class and will wait a few months for the weather to get better to take SYFOM II.
I hope to talk to you soon.