Here’s a really good tip for those who shoot in a square format: It’s virtually impossible to create Tension (which gives your photograph strength, and intensity) in a square.
The reason is that we don’t perceive our world in a square format, we perceive it in a rectangle, and here’s the proof:
Stand up and look straight ahead with your hands down at your sides. While you’re looking straight ahead, very slowly raise both your arms at the same time, while continuing to keep your arms straight; also, keep your fingers extended straight out. Now, wiggle your fingers while you’re slowly raising both arms at the same time. Still looking straight ahead, stop when you see your fingers wiggling.
Now do the same thing, but this time have one arm extended straight above your head and the other stretched downward right in front of you. Looking straight ahead slowly move your hands as if to meet at eye level in front of you. Again, wiggle your fingers and stop when you see them moving.
If you were to draw a line connecting all four points where you first saw your fingers wiggling you would be drawing a rectangle. That rectangle is in a 2X3 ratio, the same as a 35mm camera’s viewfinder.
And that’s how we see the world we live in.
Most people that shoot in a square format wind up cropping their image, but I never crop my photographs. People that crop their photographs will never become aware of the edges of their frame. In both my online class with the BPSOP, and my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” workshop I conduct around the planet I always have the students submit their images right out of the camera. That way, I’ll know their thought process at the time they clicked the shutter.
I always want to create a good photograph in the camera. When you look at all the photographs on my website, I want to remind you that none of them were cropped.
Check out my workshop description at www.joebaraban.com, and come shoot with me sometime.