It was my vision not my camera that took this photo
To my fellow photographers that follow my blog, either those that have taken my online class with the BPSOP, or have taken one of my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” workshops I conduct around the world, or those that have just found me in one way or another I have a thought for you.
I have had discussions with photographers that say, “Technology is the facilitator of vision”. First of all, here is the actual definition:
fa·cil·i·ta·tor| fəˈsiləˌtādər | nouna
person or thing that makes an action or process easy or easier: a true educator acts as a facilitator of learning | a program run by trained facilitators.
In other words, all the new equipment that’s coming out will make you take better pictures. Ok, here’s the definition of vision:
vi·sion| ˈviZHən | noun 1
the faculty or state of being able to see:
She had defective vision. • the images seen on a television screen: the box converts the digital signal into sound and vision on an ordinary TV.
2 the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom: the organization had lost its vision and direction. • a mental image of what the future will or could be like: a vision of retirement.
3 an experience of seeing someone or something in a dream or trance, or as a supernatural apparition: the idea came to him in a vision. • (often visions) a vivid mental image, especially a fanciful one of the future: he had visions of becoming the Elton John of his time.
4 a person or sight of unusual beauty: madame was a vision in black velvet.
If we just concentrate on the first definition, the state of being able to see, How in the world does technology have anything to do with it?
For me, before I raise my (whatever camera technology affords me) camera up to my eye, I have to see what it is I want to shoot. The old expression, “It’s not the camera, it’s the ten inches behind it that count” couldn’t be more true.
I quickly pre-visualize the composition I want then I raise my camera to take the shot.
I guess I’m just too old and gray, but I’ve seen some of these new cameras where you almost have to have a left-brain degree to understand what all the programs and buttons mean.
So, my fellow photographers that have these awesome mirrorless cameras, more power to you and I’m sort of jealous of what they can do.
For example, I was shooting sports for AP, a very long time and standing on the sidelines of an NFL game, and had a 200mm lens on that I had to focus myself. Try getting a running back that’s coming right at you sharp when you’re on manual and focussing the camera all by your lonesome. Now all these Sports Illustrated photographers just have to aim their camera and they get perfect pictures.
I also had to walk five miles to the game in a snowstorm!!!! Oh well, it is what it is.
Visit my website at www.joebaraban.com , and follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/barabanjoe/