I get a lot of my ideas while laying in bed late at night trying to go to sleep, watching late-night TV, or I occasionally wake up with an idea. While some people may count sheep, I think of ideas to share with my online classes with the BPSOP, and also with my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” workshops I conduct all over the place; as well as all my fellow photographers that have been following my blog since its inception in 2011.
This time I was watching a show and they started playing one of the most popular Christmas Carols Do you see what I see? While some people might get a touch nostalgic this time of year, I get inspired, and what a perfect time for this post!!!
I don’t know about you, but I not only shoot for myself, but I like to share my images with as many people that will take the time to look. Having said that, if you’re of the same mind make sure that right before you click the shutter the viewer will see what you saw.
Ok, so let me offer you at least one way to pull that off, and it’s what I do and have been doing for a very long time; started right after the Paleolithic Period!!!!
Before I click the shutter, I do a sort of body experience where I send my imagination to that of the viewer…sort of a ‘Spock’ thing!!! When I’m in their mind I’m now seeing what they’re seeing and if there’s the slightest doubt as to understanding what I’m seeing, I don’t take the shot.
Probably, photographically speaking, one of the last things I would want to happen is for anyone to ever say to me, “I don’t get it”.
Visit my website at www.joebaraban.com, and check out my workshop schedule at the top of this blog. Come shoot with me sometime.
BTW, here’s the carol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADj-Ru3JQp0
All the best to you and all of yours, stay safe and hope for a better 2021.