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Food For Digital thought: Paralysis Through Analysis

Painting 101

Degas once said, ” Painting is easy when you don’t know how, very difficult when you do.”.

I find this to be the basis for writing this post. You see, I teach an online class with the BPSOP, and I also conduct my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” workshops around out hopefully around the planet.

Most of the people that have taken both online classes have taken at least one of my workshops; some as many a ten. As their eye develops, and they’re using the right side of their brain to compose more and more, frustration begins to creep into their thought process.

They tend to over analyze everything and I can tell you from years of experience teaching, doing that is not in your best interest.

I show people how to use the artist palette I give them that instead of pigment, there are the basic elements of Visual Design: Color, Shape, Pattern, Texture, Form, Balance, and the most important of them all…Line.

When I say over-analyze, I mean they begin seeing design elements that are not really there except for in their imagination. They get so tense that they almost become paralyzed and wind up either not shooting anything at all, or shooting something that winds up being deleted on the computer monitor.

So, my fellow photographers, when you go out shooting it needs to be fun and not something you overthink. Making visual mistakes comes with the territory, and everyone makes them…me included.

Visit my new website at www.joebaraban.com, and check out my upcoming workshops at the top of this blog. Come shoot with me sometime.


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