When of the concepts I’m constantly talking about in my online classes with the BPSOP, and in my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” workshops I conduct around Earth is that it’s better to ask someone to do something and as a result get the shot, or not ask and wind up with a snapshot.
I realize that it’s easier said than done, especially for those that for one reason or another find it difficult to approach someone. For some, it’s even hard to ask someone they know or along the ride with them.
My background is in part, that of a photojournalist so for me it’s very easy to ask. In my way of thinking, all they can do is to say no, in which case I move on. To a large extent, this is exactly what I say to my fellow photographers.
It’s all about getting over the hump, and there are numerous ‘humps’ that we try to get over. For example, the most common hump of them all is the hump that occurs on Wednesday…the proverbial hump day. Once you get past Wednesday, the middle of the week, you get to look forward to the weekend.
It’s the same thing in photography. Once you ask someone to do something for the first time, it gets easier and easier. Once you see the potential results, as in a good photo versus a snapshot, it really gets easier.
Sometimes it’s just having your subject look out of the frame, sit one seat over, or stand to the right or left. If you’ve ever seen the difference between asking something so simple, it will really build up your confidence.
One of the best ways to get what you want is to offer to send them a copy of the photo. I always ask for their email address so I can send a copy; sometimes they say yes, and sometimes no.
While we’re on the subject of asking, remember what I refer to as the cardinal sin, never, and I repeat never, take a picture of a child without asking permission. It can get you in a whole lot of unwelcomed trouble.
Visit my website at www.joebaraban.com and follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/barabanjoe/ Check out my workshop schedule at the top of this blog. Come shoot with me sometime.