Deb sent me this photo with a question. Since so many of us has had a similar situation, or have had similar questions, I like to include what was asked. Here’s what Deb had to say:
“I shot this picture of an iron bolt. I thought it had great potential but I just could not make it as interesting to the viewer as I thought it was. How would you have shot this subject?
Deb, in my online class with the PPSOP, and in my “Stretching Your Frame of Mind” workshops I spend a lot of time on light. Where you place yourself in relation to the light source is the key in creating photos that have energy and visual interest. Before I raise my camera up to my eyes I want to know where that light is coming from, so i can position myself to create the strongest image I can.
Take a look at this video critique: http://www.screencast.com/t/tIOmY7ipOre
Thanks for the submission, and I hope this helps.
Visit my website at: www.joebaraban.com and from time to time, check out my 2015 workshop schedule at the top of this blog. I still have one spot open for my photo tour in conjunction with Epic Photo Tours to Myanmar, and I still have a few spots for my next “Springtime” workshop to be held next May 21st. in Portugal. These are two completely different destinations but what they have in common is their long history and the amazing photo opportunities.
Keep those photos and questions coming into: AskJoeB@gmail.com and receive a video critique.